Gavi at WHA 76: Immunisation as a pillar for ‘Health for All’

May 22, 2023

Gavi at WHA 76: Immunisation as a pillar for ‘Health for All’

This year's World Health Assembly will be an opportunity to highlight effective, efficient and resilient immunisation services as the cornerstone of primary healthcare and key contributor to universal health coverage

The big catch-up


The pandemic left an unprecedented impact on national health systems and set back decades of progress on women's, children's and adolescents' health, as well as on prevention and eradication of communicable diseases. In 2021 alone, 25 million children globally (approximately the population of Shanghai, China) have missed out on at least one vaccination. In the 57 Gavi-supported countries, the number of zero dose children – those who have not received even a single basic vaccine and face multiple deprivations – increased to 12.5 million.

