Empowering Women & Girls through Sustainable Menstrual Health Management Initiative

UNFPA Bangladesh
Apr 10, 2024

Empowering Women & Girls through Sustainable Menstrual Health Management Initiative

In Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, a remarkable initiative is transforming the lives of adolescent girls and women. Menstrual health and hygiene management, often overlooked in refugee and host communities, have taken centre stage through a programme initiated by UNFPA, thanks to the invaluable support from KOICA.

Recognizing the Urgency: Addressing Menstrual Health Challenges

In these densely populated camps, menstruation remains shrouded in taboos and misconceptions, presenting formidable obstacles to proper menstrual hygiene management. These challenges lead to unhealthy practices, increasing the risk of infections and long-term health issues. UNFPA, recognising the urgency of this issue, launched a programme focusing on self-reliance skills education, with a particular emphasis on reusable sanitary pad production.

