EMPHNET holds its twenty-third Webinar titled “Good Governance to Tackle NCDs in the EMR.”

Sep 08, 2022

EMPHNET holds its twenty-third Webinar titled “Good Governance to Tackle NCDs in the EMR.”

Health systems and social and environmental factors are not the only determinants that affect our health and well-being, it is also highly influenced by various political, economic, and commercial factors. These factors require good governance to achieve positive change. Presently, the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) burden is progressively growing, creating the need for different governing approaches that can cut across different levels and sectors to achieve sustainable and equal outcomes for all.

 To discuss this issue further, EMPHNET held a webinar titled “Good Governance to Tackle NCDs in the EMR” on Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022. The two-hour session offered a space to highlight the importance of good governance in combatting NCDs and the challenges affecting it. The session also provided an opportunity to propose applicable, sustainable, and innovative strategies for governance to maintain and improve. The discussion also focused on the proposed conceptual models to assess it at a national level, and the best practices through diverse learnings from global, regional, and country experiences.

