During his visit to Palestine, Indian official, health minister inaugurate the Artificial Limb Fitment Camp

WAFA News Agency
Jul 08, 2023

During his visit to Palestine, Indian official, health minister inaugurate the Artificial Limb Fitment Camp

NEW DELHI, Saturday, July 8, 2023 (WAFA) - Ausaf Sayeed, Secretary (Councilor, Passport, Visa & Overseas Indian Affairs CPV&OIA) in the Indian Foreign Service, inaugurated during his visit to Palestine between July 5 and 7, along with Minister of Health Mai Alkaila, the Artificial Limb Fitment Camp at Abu Rayya Rehabilitation Center in Ramallah, organized by the Government of India in association with Bhagvan Mahaveer ViklangSahayata Samiti (BMVSS), Jaipur. The camp is expected to benefit about 600 Palestinians.