DTM Libya: Storm Daniel Flash Update (11 September 2023)

Sep 11, 2023

DTM Libya: Storm Daniel Flash Update (11 September 2023)

Benghazi, Tobruk, Toukra, Talmeitha, Almarj, Taknes, Al Owailia, Bayada, Albayda, Shahhat, Sousa and Derna

  • On Sunday, 10 September 2023 Storm Daniel made landfall in Libya causing severe weather conditions, including strong winds and sudden heavy rainfall affecting several northeastern areas of Libya (Benghazi, Tobruk, Toukra, Talmeitha, Almarj, Taknes (Al Jabal Al Akhdar), Al Owailia, Bayada, Albayda, Shahhat, Sousa and Derna).

  • The storm reportedly led to significant infrastructure damage, including road network, disrupted the telecommunications network, and caused the displacement of at least 410 families (or around 2,050 individuals) and 35 migrants.

  • Individuals who were previously displaced by the conflict, many of whom from Tawergha, and who resided in Benghazi when storm occurred are currently sheltering in schools in Benghazi.

  • A number of deaths and casualties have been reported but no official figures have been confirmed.