Dire Health, Environment Conditions Threaten Residents of Flooded Sanaa

Asharq Al-Awsat
Aug 20, 2022

Dire Health, Environment Conditions Threaten Residents of Flooded Sanaa

The residents of the Yemeni capital Sanaa have expressed their fears over the dire environment and health conditions in their city, which is held by the Iran-backed Houthi militias, in wake of recent devastating floods.

The flooding has led to the inundation of sewage systems with waste sweeping the capital, turning its streets into veritable swamps and pools for diseases.

Local sources accused the Houthis’ so-called water and sewage authority of not performing its duty in removing debris and trash from blocking sewar systems that has led to the network’s flooding and overflowing onto the streets.

It has also done a poor job in pumping the standing water that has accumulated on the streets and residential areas and turned into prime spots for disease and infestations.

