Cholera, Dengue Fever, Malaria Outbreak in Sudan

Asharq Al-Awsat
Oct 06, 2023

Cholera, Dengue Fever, Malaria Outbreak in Sudan

Several states in Sudan have been witnessing an outbreak of dengue fever, malaria, and cholera after seventy percent of the health institutes went out of service due to the ongoing war. The health ministry in Gedaref - the most damaged state - appealed to international organizations to provide support to eradicate dengue fever. The cases of dengue fever, cholera, and malaria, especially in Gedaref, soared as the country faced a shortage of medicines and cadres. Meanwhile, volunteers accused both warring parties in Khartoum of confiscating the medicines offered as aid. Cholera has spread widely in the eastern Nile region (Khartoum Bahri), an area where many residents who have not left Khartoum still live.

