Children in Kabul Malnourished Due to Poverty

Tolo News
2 Hours ago

Children in Kabul Malnourished Due to Poverty

Some families in Kabul said that due to poverty and a lack of food, their children have became malnourished.

The father of a malnourished child, Khan Zada, said that he is the family's sole breadwinner and that his three-year-old child is malnourished as a result of his inability to provide adequate food for them.

"My last child had malnutrition because of a lack of food for him and his mother," he said. 

"Every day, my husband makes between 50 and 60 Afs. He sometimes arrives empty-handed. We don't have anything to eat for lunch or at night,” said Freshta, the mother of a malnourished child.

