Breaking the vicious cycle of malnutrition and infectious disease

Nov 20, 2023

Breaking the vicious cycle of malnutrition and infectious disease

In the fight to reduce child morbidity and mortality worldwide, we face two major issues: malnutrition and infectious diseases. What makes things all the more challenging is that the two are interconnected. Multiple deprivations, including lack of access to health services, not being vaccinated, poverty and gender-related barriers, can all intertwine to leave children vulnerable.

The World Health Organization estimates that globally 149 million children under five are 'stunted', meaning they are too short for their age. Forty-five million are too thin for their height, a condition called wasting. Both stunting and wasting are manifestations of undernutrition. Around 45% of all deaths under the age of five — most of which occur in low- and middle-income countries – are linked to undernutrition.

