Bangladesh: Health Sector Cox's Bazar - Monthly Bulletin (November - December 2022)

Jan 22, 2023

Bangladesh: Health Sector Cox's Bazar - Monthly Bulletin (November - December 2022)


  • Five Health Posts closed operations in five camps due to funding constraints. Despite these closures, the partners are advised to desist from re-establishing new facilities in those areas since no significant gaps are resulting from such closures.

  • By December 2022, over 5.5 million consultations were provided representing a 25% increase compared to the 2021 utilization record. Most (67%) of the diseases in the camps were attributed to only 8 morbidities that include skin diseases, Acute Respiratory Tract Infections, and NCD (Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus), amongst others.

  • The COVID-19 situation in the camps remains under control with a significant decline in new cases <1/1000/week and a drastic decline in hospital admission. COVID19 Case Fatality Ratio in the camp remains at <1%