Bangladesh Achieves Major Public Health Victory: Virtually Eliminates Visceral Leishmaniasis

BNN Breaking
Jan 03, 2024

Bangladesh Achieves Major Public Health Victory: Virtually Eliminates Visceral Leishmaniasis

Bangladesh has scored a significant victory in the global war against neglected tropical diseases, virtually eliminating visceral leishmaniasis, a deadly ailment spread by sandfly bites. The landmark achievement comes on the heels of tireless efforts by researchers and public health officials, not just within Bangladesh, but internationally.

The Drive Behind the Success

The pivotal figure in this momentous accomplishment is Dr. Dinesh Mondal, a dedicated researcher from icddr,b. He spearheaded trials with an antifungal drug developed by Gilead Sciences, which proved to be nearly 100% effective against the disease. This breakthrough comes after a long history of neglect for tropical diseases, which affect approximately 1 billion people worldwide.