Algerian pharmaceutical boom: A step towards health & food security

Sep 20, 2022

Algerian pharmaceutical boom: A step towards health & food security

**In just a few decades, Algeria has become one of Africa's leading pharmaceutical producers. More than 2.5 billion euros worth of medicines were produced last year. Some 200 production units cover nearly 70% of the country's generic needs, and this self-sufficiency is good news for the country and the region, as the international market remains volatile. **

This deep transformation in the pharmaceutical industry is strengthening the region's health security, which may in turn, help to provide food security and many labaroties around the country are participating in the effort. 

Frater Razes Laboratories

An example is the Frater Razes laboratories. In the midst of the pandemic, it put on the market an anticoagulant which was prescribed to Covid-19 patients. This was the first time that Algeria produced biosimilar medicines: made from living organisms. Abdererahmane Boudiba is the Secretary General of Frater Razes, 

