Afghanistan: Earthquakes in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 12, November 2023

Dec 02, 2023

Afghanistan: Earthquakes in Herat Province, Health Situation Report No. 12, November 2023


Series of earthquakes and aftershocks hit Herat Province in western Afghanistan between 7 and 15 October 2023.

To date:

  • 1,482 deaths

  • 2,100 injuries

  • 10,002 homes completely destroyed

  • 40 health facilities damaged

Around 275,000 people are directly affected across 382 villages and in need of humanitarian assistance -- 60% of them children.

Health Cluster reached 70,718 people in highly affected districts.

Health Cluster appeals for US$12.7 million to cover life-saving health services in the next six months. The current funding gap is US$7.5 million.


It has been more than seven weeks since the series of devastating major earthquakes hit Herat Province, the western region of Afghanistan, in October 2023, resulting in significant damage in the communities. More than 275,000 people in 382 villages were directly affected, mainly in the districts of Herat, Injil, Kushk, Zindajan, Gulran, Guzara, Ghoryan, Karukh, and Koshan. Reportedly, more than 1,400 were killed, and 2000 were injured.

