Addressing Vaccine Dis- and Mis-information in Yemen

Global Washington
May 20, 2024

Addressing Vaccine Dis- and Mis-information in Yemen

In the past few years, Yemen experienced a dramatic rise in vaccine-preventable diseases, posing a severe threat to public health amidst an already dire humanitarian crisis. Millions of Yemeni children missed routine immunizations, with only 37% fully vaccinated in 2023. This gap contributed to over 53,000 suspected measles cases and 2,347 confirmed cases. Additionally, there were 1,978 suspected diphtheria cases. The circulation of polio virus type 2 persisted, with three new confirmed cases in 2023, raising the total to 239 confirmed cases since the outbreak began in November 2021. Vaccine disinformation and misinformation further threatened public trust in the vaccination program.


Recognizing the critical need to combat myths and misinformation surrounding vaccinations, In November of 2023, the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (YRRF) launched a comprehensive social media campaign across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Through these channels, YRRF disseminated accurate and reliable information about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, tailored to resonate with Yemeni communities. The foundation produced engaging content, such as infographics, videos, and testimonials from healthcare professionals and community members, to educate the public and address common misconceptions.

