Abnormal Weather Raises Potential Threats to Environment and Health - Kuwait

Arab Times
Jan 11, 2024

Abnormal Weather Raises Potential Threats to Environment and Health - Kuwait

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 11: Winter is no longer as cold as in previous years due to the rising global temperatures, which could lead to environmental and health problems, reports Al-Qabas daily. A recent report published by New York Times quoted scientists as saying that the Earth is “burning” due to the unusually high temperatures throughout the world for a long time. It affirmed that the world is getting hotter and 2023 was the warmest in 150 years. The report confirmed that global temperatures have exceeded record numbers since the middle of 2023 and did not stop until the end of the year. It added that June used to be the warmest month on the planet, then July became the warmest and so on until December. It indicated that temperatures are rising month after month.

