A team of doctors is bringing joint replacement surgeries to besieged Palestinians, here's how you can help

Arab American News
Oct 01, 2022

A team of doctors is bringing joint replacement surgeries to besieged Palestinians, here's how you can help

The Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) and Fajr Scientific will host a charity fundraising dinner on Oct. 8 for resources to bring joint replacement surgeries to Palestinians living under a brutal occupation.

The situation for Palestinians, like those living under a crippling economic blockade in Gaza, has made the routine medical need for joint replacement surgeries brought on by conditions like arthritis even more drastic, given the overwhelmed medical system in the region.

Combined with this is the practice by Israeli occupation snipers to target the lower limbs of young Palestinians, like those who participated in the Great March of Return from 2018 to 2019, resulting in hundreds of amputations and creating further severe economic hurdles for the victims.

The fundraiser aims to raise money that will go towards purchasing implants and other surgical equipment, facilitating travel, training local surgeons and more, during two trips to the West Bank and Gaza made by volunteer surgeons next year.

The surgeons will volunteer their own time for the two missions.

