A silent crisis for women in Balkh: Climate change factors into women’s postpartum depression

UNFPA Afghanistan
Apr 28, 2024

A silent crisis for women in Balkh: Climate change factors into women’s postpartum depression

Balkh, Afghanistan – In just one day, Sonika, a psychosocial counsellor, saw two female clients seeking psychosocial support services. Both women had one thing in common – they were experiencing post-partum depression exacerbated by problems induced by climate change.

This situation rings alarm bells for Sonika, who works with the UNFPA-supported Mobile Health Team (MHT) in Omerkhil Village of Char Bolak District, as external factors affect the psychological health of new mothers in her village.

One of Sonika’s clients, a 16-year-old girl, was referred by a midwife after childbirth. "She showed signs of trauma and developed depression after delivering her baby,” Sonika said. “She complained of sleeping difficulties, loss of appetite, and mood swings.”

