Pakistan Braces for ‘Heatwave-Like’ Conditions

Pakistan Standard
May 22, 2024

Pakistan Braces for ‘Heatwave-Like’ Conditions

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) on Monday warned that temperatures are likely to rise gradually in most parts of the country this week, resulting in ‘heatwave-like’ conditions.

In an advisory, the Met Office said that the presence of high pressure in the upper atmosphere would result in day temperatures increasing gradually in most parts of the country from June 20-24. It said that daytime temperatures would likely remain 4-6°C above normal in upper and central Punjab, Islamabad, upper Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir. At the same time, it said, temperatures would likely be 2-4°C above normal in Sindh, South Punjab and parts of Balochistan.

