Monkeypox symptoms differ from previous outbreaks - UK study

Jul 02, 2022

Monkeypox symptoms differ from previous outbreaks - UK study

LONDON, July 1 (Reuters) - Patients with monkeypox in the UK have noticeably different symptoms from those seen in previous outbreaks, according to researchers in London, raising concerns cases are being missed.

Patients reported less fever and tiredness and more skin lesions in their genital and anal areas than typically seen in monkeypox, the study of 54 patients at London sexual health clinics in May this year found.

Monkeypox, a usually relatively mild viral illness that is endemic in several countries in western and central Africa, has caused more than 5,000 cases and one death outside those areas – mainly in Europe – since early May. Cases have also risen in the countries where it more usually spreads, according to the World Health Organization.