Libya: Flood Response Humanitarian Update (as of 15 December 2023)

Dec 18, 2023

Libya: Flood Response Humanitarian Update (as of 15 December 2023)


• An inter-agency mission visited the most affected municipalities of Derna, Albayda, Sousa and Shahat. It identified rehabilitation of WASH infrastructure as the main residual humanitarian need.

• Response under the Flash Appeal for the Libya flood response of 14 September will be extended until the end of March 2024, shifting the focus of response modalities to cash-based interventions and light rehabilitation.

• Libyan authorities have started providing compensation payments between 20,000 and 100,000 LYD (about 4,000 to 21,000 USD).

• A diarrhoea outbreak in Albayda was linked to contaminated water sources but is receding thanks to extensive awareness campaigns.