Lebanon: Poverty more than triples over the last decade reaching 44% under a protracted crisis

The World Bank
May 23, 2024

Lebanon: Poverty more than triples over the last decade reaching 44% under a protracted crisis

BEIRUT, May 23, 2024 — Poverty in Lebanon has more than tripled over the past decade reaching 44% of the total population, according to a new World Bank report released today. Based on a recent household survey covering the five governorates of Akkar, Beirut, Bekaa, North Lebanon and most of Mount Lebanon, the report finds that 1 out of every 3 Lebanese in these areas was poverty stricken in 2022, highlighting the critical need to strengthen social safety nets and create jobs to help alleviate poverty and address widening inequality.

The “Lebanon Poverty and Equity Assessment 2024: Weathering a Protracted Crisis” examines the current state of poverty and inequality in the country. It documents the impact of the economic and financial crisis on households as well as the effect on labor market dynamics. The report builds on a household survey conducted in collaboration with WFP and UNHCR between December 2022 and May 2023, covering Lebanese, Syrians and other nationals (except for Palestinians in camps and gatherings) in five governorates across Lebanon. Data collected covered demographics, education, employment, health, expenditures, assets, income and coping strategies. 

