Jordan ranks 67th out of 195 on Global Health Security Index

The Jordan Times
Apr 07, 2022

Jordan ranks 67th out of 195 on Global Health Security Index

AMMAN — Jordan has ranked third among Arab countries, and 67th out of 195 countries on the Global Health Security Index (GHSI), with Jordan scoring 42.8, according to a Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) brief which analysed the rankings. 

The GHSI is an assessment of health security alongside its related capabilities across 195 countries. 

The index is developed by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security together with Economist Impact, and was first launched in October 2019.

The 2021 GHSI assesses countries across six categories: Prevention, detection and reporting, rapid response, health system, compliance with international norms and the risk environment. The USA tops the global ranking with a score of 75.9, with Somalia ranking last with a score of 16.

In the prevention category, Jordan’s health system comes in fifth among Arab economies, read the brief. 

As for detection and reporting, Jordan ranks fifth among Arab economies, while in the category of rapid response, Jordan’s health system comes in third among Arab economies.

In terms of the health system category, Jordan comes in first among Arab economies.

The JSF policy brief called on relevant stakeholders to consider the categories where the country ranks low.