HPC concludes campaign promoting reproductive health education for youth

Jordan Times
Jul 24, 2024

HPC concludes campaign promoting reproductive health education for youth

AMMAN — The Higher Population Council (HPC) has recently concluded a campaign introducing Darby (My Path), an e-platform dedicated to reproductive health education for youth, with support from the United Nations Population Fund.

This initiative, in partnership with the University of Jordan, the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, the Royal Society for Health Awareness, and the National Centre for Culture and Arts at the King Hussein Foundation, aimed to boost awareness among adolescents and youth about reproductive health, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported on Wednesday. 

The campaign, which saw the participation of some 1,000 students from various universities, aimed to deliver a comprehensive information package and address misconceptions about reproductive health.

Also, around 350 members from women’s and youth committees at Princess Basma Development Centres in various governorates participated in the campaign.

Research indicates that youth under 24 often lack accurate information about reproductive and sexual health, highlighting the need for targeted educational interventions to support their transition into adulthood.

