How innovations in TB detection are transforming pediatric care in Bangladesh

Aug 30, 2024

How innovations in TB detection are transforming pediatric care in Bangladesh

To tackle stubbornly high rates of tuberculosis in children, government and nonprofit groups in Bangladesh are implementing a range of innovations including mobile X-ray machines with artificial intelligence, new molecular diagnostics, and better point-of-care service.

Rukaya, three-and-a-half years old, hadn't been feeling well for the last couple of months. She had a stubborn fever that didn’t improve after taking medicine prescribed by her doctor, and her high temperature had been back for the last 15 days, explained her father, Gulzar Hossain.

“It was strange but I wasn’t too concerned,” he told Devex as a health worker took Rukaya’s medical history in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness corner in Narsingdi Sadar Hospital, about 40 kilometers (29 miles) outside Dhaka, Bangladesh.