Front-line workers restore health, hope and humanity in the direst settings

UNFPA Bangladesh
Aug 18, 2022

Front-line workers restore health, hope and humanity in the direst settings

Yemen/Bangladesh/Ukraine – “A few weeks ago, a pregnant woman called me late at night in desperate need of help,” Molok told UNFPA. “This woman lives in a camp that intersects with the area of ​​the clashes. I decided to go to her at night, sneaking on foot with one of her relatives.”

Molok is a 30-year-old midwife in Marib, Yemen. Since losing her husband to the country’s grinding war, she has been raising her two sons alone and supporting the family by working at a UNFPA mobile clinic. 

After safely delivering the baby, she recalled, “I returned to my tent, sneaking also during the night. I heard the sounds of bullets near me. I was in great fear… Working in the area of ​​clashes may mean life or death, but we bear full responsibility to save the lives of others who are in dire need of us.”