Fighting animal diseases in Yemen

Mar 27, 2024

Fighting animal diseases in Yemen

“I feel a deep sense of pride when I see the respect and appreciation of my chosen profession reflected in people's eyes,” says 48‑year‑old Tariq Al-Haidari. “I have achieved many successes within the profession, and it fills me with a great sense of accomplishment.”

Tariq is one of 200 community animal health workers who was trained under a project implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the World Bank. He now uses his recently acquired knowledge and skills to assist livestock breeders in keeping their animals healthy.

Over 30 days, FAO trained community animal health workers in both theoretical practical matters. The practical training, undertaken through visits to farms in the Shabwah governorate, covered topics such as occupational and personal safety, diagnosis and identification of appropriate treatments, animal husbandry practices, administration of medicine and documentation of cases.

“This training equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to help farmers keep their livestock healthy,” says Tariq.


