WHO verifies Niger as the first country in the African Region to eliminate onchocerciasis

Jan 30, 2025

WHO verifies Niger as the first country in the African Region to eliminate onchocerciasis

The World Health Organization (WHO) congratulates Niger for having met the criteria for onchocerciasis elimination, making it the fifth country globally and the first country in Africa to be acknowledged by WHO for interrupting transmission of the parasite Onchocerca volvulus.

Eliminating a disease is a significant achievement that requires tireless dedication,” stated Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “I congratulate Niger for its commitment to liberating its population from this blinding, stigmatizing illness that causes so much human suffering among the poorest. This success is yet another testament to the remarkable strides we have made against neglected tropical diseases and offers hope to other nations still battling onchocerciasis, demonstrating that elimination is possible.”