National Study for Mental Health Status among Children and Adolescents in Jordan

National Study for Mental Health Status among Children and Adolescents in Jordan

Aim and Objectives

  • To examine the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders for children and adolescents and its associated factors.
  • To explore help-seeking behaviors and potentially preferred mental health and psychosocial supports.
This survey aimed to provide robust evidence regarding child and adolescent mental health situations to facilitate effective national policymaking in Jordan.
Methodology: Study Design
  • A large-scale national school-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among children and adolescents in Jordan.
  • The target population included Jordanian children and adolescents as well as those of other nationalities and groups such as Syrian and Palestinian refugees, all in grades 3 to 12.
The study included public and private schools, UNRWA schools, schools in Za'atari camp and non-formal education centers.
Around 9,000 children and adolescents were invited to fill out the questionnaire