Jordan Leads Health Resolutions at World Health Assembly

Jordan News
Jun 02, 2024

Jordan Leads Health Resolutions at World Health Assembly

Amman - Committee B, led by Jordan during the 77th World Health Assembly, presented decisions on the Palestinian issue and other matters related to the financial, administrative, legal, and governance aspects of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Minister of Health Firas Hawari, in his speech at the Assembly's closing ceremony on Saturday evening, highlighted the historical significance of this session. The decision to grant Palestine membership rights, in line with United Nations General Assembly resolutions, was a landmark step towards realizing the session's theme, "Health for All and All for Health," he added.

The Assembly adopted international consensus proposals from the Arab Group, including Jordan, condemning attacks on medical and humanitarian facilities and personnel by the occupying Israeli authority, in violation of international law. It also endorsed the necessary interim measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, urging Israel to cooperate fully with the United Nations to provide essential services and humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, including food, water, electricity, fuel, and medical supplies.