Families of children with disabilities concerned about suspension of SCA

Families of children with disabilities concerned about suspension of SCA

Prior to the suspension of SCA activities, dozens of children with clubfoot and Development Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) received physiotherapy services daily in the northeastern provinces. Now they cannot get the services they urgently need.

Ghulamuddin, a resident of Warook village in Farkhar district of Takhar province, is worried about his youngest son, Nizamuddin.

“All my children have been born with clubfoot, but we have received treatment at SCA’s rehabilitation center, and they are now well and normal. But I am concerned about the lack of services for my youngest child who has similar problem. He is four months old. I came to SCA’s office four times since he was born, but there were no activities and I returned home without receiving any services,” he says.