WHO strengthens public health response to substance use in Afghanistan

Jul 23, 2024

WHO strengthens public health response to substance use in Afghanistan

23 July 2024, Kabul, Afghanistan – Substance use and substance use disorders remain a significant public health burden in Afghanistan, devastating families and communities across the country. Substance use claims hundreds of lives each year, with substance dependence among women on the rise.

Since 2023, WHO has played an important role in improving the public health response to substance use disorders in Afghanistan. WHO has supported community-based efforts to prevent initiation of substance use; has integrated mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services into general health programmes; and has provided quality treatment for those in need. It has done so thanks to support from donors like the European Union and partners like the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

WHO Afghanistan has further provided strong support to specialized centres for the treatment and rehabilitation of people with substance use disorders. In 2023, these efforts helped about 1000 people to complete residential treatment and move into the relapse prevention phase, during which they receive ongoing support to reintegrate into their communities.