WHO director-general praises Bahrain's health strides

Bahrain News Agency
Oct 06, 2022

WHO director-general praises Bahrain's health strides

Geneva, Oct. 5(BNA): World Health Organisation (WHO) Director General  Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has today commended Bahrain’s health sector.

He praised the Kingdom's success in containing the spread of   (Covid-19) pandemic thanks to early preparations and vaccination coverage at high rates, while continuing to provide basic health services by qualified national cadres.

He expressed his appreciation for the efforts which reflect Bahrain's interest and high efficiency in the health aspect, in line with the goals of sustainable development and continued health coverage.


Dr Ghebreyesus made the statement as he met Health Minister Dr. Jaleela bint Al Sayyed Jawad Hasan, who is heading Bahrain’s delegation to the meetings of the WHO  Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE).