WHO and UN Women launch joint initiative to support women and children with substance use disorders in Afghanistan

Jul 17, 2024

WHO and UN Women launch joint initiative to support women and children with substance use disorders in Afghanistan

17 July 2024, Kabul, Afghanistan – A new initiative to reintegrate vulnerable women with substance use disorders and their children into the community has been launched in Afghanistan. Women will be supported through a comprehensive package of protection services, substance use disorder treatment and mental health services.

Afghanistan has had a significant substance use problem for decades, made worse by continuous conflict and instability. Nearly 4 million people – about 10% of the population – are affected by substance use disorders. The new initiative is a joint effort by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Women to tackle this pressing health issue, specifically among women and children.

The initiative adopts a holistic and gender-sensitive approach to improve access to integrated mental health and psychosocial support services and to provide quality substance use disorder treatment services for affected women. It will also enhance the capacities of key health staff in targeted facilities to deliver gender-responsive and trauma-informed services.