Palestine records 290 new coronavirus cases, two deaths

Roya News
Mar 11, 2022

Palestine records 290 new coronavirus cases, two deaths

the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the registration of two deaths, and 290 new infections with the coronavirus.

According to the daily epidemiological report issued by the ministry, one death was recorded in the Gaza Strip, and one death in the city of Jerusalem.

The report said that the new injuries were recorded as follows: "Salfit 4, Tulkarm 8, Jenin 9, Ramallah 18, Jerusalem suburbs 1, Bethlehem 7, Tubas 1, Nablus 6, Qalqilya 3, Hebron 4, Jericho and Al-Aghwar 3, and the Gaza Strip. 136, City of Jerusalem 90."

There are 41 patients with coronavirus in intensive care rooms, while 58 patients are being treated in coronavirus centers and departments in hospitals in the West Bank, including 21 on artificial respirators.