Occupied Palestinian territory COVID-19 Response Plan (24 April 2020)

Apr 24, 2022

Occupied Palestinian territory COVID-19 Response Plan (24 April 2020)


The updated COVID-19 Response Plan for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) presents the joint strategy of the humanitarian community to respond to the public health needs and immediate humanitarian consequences of the pandemic over the remaining two months of the original Plan. It consolidates various COVID-19 appeals by UN agencies and NGOs. The latter have contributed in shaping the plan and conveying local actors’ perspectives, and will be able to access funding mobilized through the plan and be directly involved in it implementation. The Plan complements other interventions developed by the Palestinian Red Crescent Movement (PRCS).

This main goal of this revised Plan remains supporting the efforts led by the Government of Palestine (GoP) to contain the pandemic and mitigate it impact. It continues to be guided by the Health Cluster’s Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, published on 14 March 2020.
However, this updated version provides an important bridge between the public health response contained in the Health Cluster Plan and the broader socio-economic recovery plan of the GoP, with support from the World Bank and others. The primary focus remains prevention, preparedness and treatment of COVID-19, with emphasis remaining on supporting the most vulnerable people. Interventions will continue to be adapted as the situation evolves and our understanding of the virus and how it spreads is further deepened.