MoPH (Qatar) holds expanded awareness campaign on hand hygiene

The Peninsula
Jun 02, 2022

MoPH (Qatar)  holds expanded awareness campaign on hand hygiene

The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) carried out an expanded awareness campaign in May, as part of the events marking World Hand Hygiene Day, in cooperation with Hamad Medical Corporation and Primary Health Care Corporation, as well as private health sector. 

Multiple health workers, health facilities managers, CEOs and policy makers participated in the campaign. 

It covered the entire healthcare facilities and a number of schools with the aim of promoting, enhancing  and highlighting the importance of hand washing practices in health facilities and operationalise the effective measures of hand hygiene in various places that offer health care. 

The awareness campaign, implemented by the Department of Strategic Planning and Performance at the Ministry of Public Health received significant interaction from all health institutions in Qatar. 

