Marburg, Ebola Sudan Vaccines Might Get Share of COVAX Surplus

Health Policy Watch
Jul 04, 2023

Marburg, Ebola Sudan Vaccines Might Get Share of COVAX Surplus

Some of the $2.6 billion that remains in a COVID-19 vaccine delivery scheme, COVAX, could be redirected into investment into investigational vaccine candidates for Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) and Ebola Sudan strain virus, as well as over half a dozen other vaccine programmes that were suspended due to the pandemic or delays in product development, a spokesperson for the Global Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) told Health Policy Watch. COVAX is a COVID vaccine initiative jointly run by Gavi, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) co-sponsored by WHO and financed by donations from high-income countries. 92 low- and middle-income countries can participate through COVAX Advanced Market Commitment [AMC], a financing instrument launched by Gavi.