Lack of awareness and economic hardship are contributing to malnutrition of new born babies causing their abnormal growth, short stature and disabilities.
Early-life malnutrition is an important risk factor for later-life adult diseases and malnutrition contributes mostly to child deaths.
Saving lives of children in Bangladesh will require a steady focus on nutrition, according to the doctors.
Md Tutul Uddin and Helena Akther- a happily married couple was blessed with a child after 10 years of their marriage. But it was not an exception that they gave birth to a malnourished baby.
Though Helena was very happy after giving birth to a baby son 20 months ago, she has been passing a painful time for the last few months due to sickness of her son.
Her son Ratul did not seem to be a healthy baby in terms of his age and he was not even taking food necessary for his health for the last few days. Sensing something wrong his parents took him to Sreemangal upazila health complex in Moulvibazar where doctors diagnosed him with severe malnutrition.