Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan see surge in medical tourism

Tehran Times
Jun 10, 2024

Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan see surge in medical tourism

In an interview with CHTN, Mohammad-Sadeq Mo’tamedian highlighted the achievements of the second meeting of border governors-general from both regions, leading to several agreements.

The meeting, he added, included the governors-general from Iran’s West Azarbaijan, Kordestan, and Kermanshah provinces, and their counterparts from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

The official revealed plans to establish a dedicated ambulance route to facilitate the movement of patients between the two regions. 

“Annually, many travelers from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq visit West Azarbaijan for medical treatment.” Mo’tamedian emphasized. “Easing their travel can significantly enhance health tourism.”

The governor general also mentioned that further steps discussed at the meeting to bolster this initiative include 24-hour customs operations, specialized gates at border terminals, completion of transit infrastructure, expanding highways, resolving direct transportation issues, and opening new border crossings.