How WHO is supporting cholera outbreak response in Sudan

Jan 19, 2025

How WHO is supporting cholera outbreak response in Sudan

The Federal Ministry of Health of Sudan declared a cholera outbreak on 12 August 2024 after confirmation of samples from Kassala State, which has been reporting suspected cases since 22 July 2024. Fuelled by heavy rains and flooding, overcrowding and lack of access to clean water in displacement sites and within communities, the outbreak has spread to 84 localities in 11 states, with over 51 300 cases and 1359 deaths reported as of 18 January 2025.

As part of the response to the cholera outbreak, the Federal Ministry of Health, with support from WHO and UNICEF, has conducted oral cholera vaccination campaigns in 8 states, reaching 7.4 million people. These include simultaneous vaccination campaigns in bordering localities of Sudan and South Sudan, in collaboration with the South Sudan health authorities, to respond to the outbreak and protect populations on both sides of the border.