Direct Relief Assessing Needs in Morocco Following Major Earthquake

Direct Relief
Sep 09, 2023

Direct Relief Assessing Needs in Morocco Following Major Earthquake

Apowerful M6.8 earthquake struck Morocco Friday evening local time in the high Atlas Mountains region of Oukaïmedene, approximately 40-miles southwest of the historical city of Marrakesh.

More than 1,000 people have been killed and over 1,200 are injured. These numbers are expected to rise in the coming days, as Moroccan urban search and rescue (USAR) continue their initial assessment and are able to gain further access into hard to reach, remote areas of the country.

In the days immediately following an earthquake of this magnitude, the priority is to bolster the availability of medical items needed to treat a range of traumatic injuries caused by falling debris, crush injuries, fractures, lacerations and search and rescue activities. A continued flow of primary care items to help keep people with chronic health conditions will also be necessary, especially while local resources are reallocated for emergency response.