COVID Crisis Has Worsened Gender Inequality in Access to Moroccan Healthcare

Morocco World News
Jul 11, 2022

COVID Crisis Has Worsened Gender Inequality in Access to Moroccan Healthcare

 The COVID-19 health crisis continues to affect the already fragile access to Moroccan healthcare, particularly for women, the Moroccan High Commission for Planning (HCP) said in a report on Sunday.

Published to mark the World Population Day, annually celebrated on July 11, the report found that the health crisis is disrupting access to healthcare for women in different aspects, including maternal, reproductive, and child health.

“The [COVID-19] lockdown has had a major impact on women's access to health services and is likely to affect them for many years to come,” the report said.

The HCP report also found that efforts focused on reducing the spread of the pandemic continue to have impacts on key services such as access to reproductive healthcare.