WHO and UNICEF collaborate on emergency integrated measles and rubella vaccination campaign in 13 governorates in Yemen

Sep 23, 2023

WHO and UNICEF collaborate on emergency integrated measles and rubella vaccination campaign in 13 governorates in Yemen

23 September 2023, Aden, Yemen – The Ministry of Public Health and Population in Aden, in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organization (WHO), is set to implement a measles-rubella, vitamin A and COVID-19 integrated vaccination campaign. This joint effort aims to combat the ongoing outbreaks and spread of measles and rubella in Yemen.

The 6-day integrated measles and rubella vaccination campaign kicked off on the morning of Saturday 23 September 2023 and will target 1 267 082 children aged 6 to 59 months across 121 districts in 13 governorates. The campaign will integrate COVID-19 vaccinations for the high-priority group in fixed and temporary fixed sites. A total of 3025 medical teams, consisting of 847 fixed teams and 2178 mobile teams, will be deployed for a minimum of 6 days.