Updated guidelines make stroke management easier

Omnia Health
Nov 02, 2022

Updated guidelines make stroke management easier

The UAE has an advanced medical infrastructure that allows for rapid investigation and treatment for stroke patients.

According to healthcare experts, updated stroke guidelines and newer-generation medication have made stroke clinical management more convenient.

The NCD Alliance, World Stroke Organization and American Stroke Association recently published an update to their policy brief, ‘Acting on stroke and non-communicable diseases: preventing and responding to stroke to work towards universal health coverage’. This was conducted as part of their efforts to address the global and individual impact of stroke within the broader Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) response.

The newly updated policy brief focuses on the stroke and NCD response in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and provides evidence-based recommendations to healthcare providers, policymakers and civil society across the stroke continuum of care, from prevention to treatment and rehabilitation, as they work towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and other Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets.