Strengthening community health information system contributes to the reduction of child mortality

Sep 15, 2022

Strengthening community health information system contributes to the reduction of child mortality

Makebuko, Gitega/Burundi. Beatrice Niyonzima, 38, is a community health worker in Mwaro-Mivuvu hill in Makebuko commune. She is one of 277 community health workers in the Kibuye health district whose work contributes to the reduction of maternal and neonatal deaths, through two complementary approaches, implemented with the support of UNICEF and its partners.

The first approach "kiramama", which is based on the RapideSMS system, consists of using mobile phones to transmit information during the monitoring of pregnant women in the "1000 days" window. It is, among other things, to monitor the progress of pregnancies and births, to identify and report situations where the lives of sick mothers and children would be at risk, and to relay important information that could help promote behavioural change.

The second approach, called iCCM (integrated Community Case Management), consists of managing, at home, the pathologies considered to be the main causes of death in children under five, namely malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia. This approach also includes screening for malnutrition and referral for management. Where necessary, community health workers refer severe cases to the appropriate health facilities for appropriate management.