Nipah virus infection - Bangladesh

Feb 17, 2023

Nipah virus infection - Bangladesh

Situation at a glance 

Nipah virus infection outbreaks are seasonal in Bangladesh, with cases usually occurring annually between December and May. Since the report of the first case in 2001, the number of yearly cases has ranged from zero to 67, though in the last five years, reported cases have been comparatively lower ranging from zero in 2016 to eight in 2019. 

However, since 4 January 2023 and as of 13 February 2023, 11 cases (10 confirmed and one probable) including eight deaths (Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 73%) have been reported across two divisions in Bangladesh.

A multisectoral response has been implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh, including strengthened surveillance activities, case management, infection prevention and control, and implementation of risk communication campaigns.

WHO assesses the risk as high at the national level, moderate at the regional level, and low at the global level.