New digital platform destigmatizing mental health in Arab world

Arab News
Oct 31, 2022

New digital platform destigmatizing mental health in Arab world

RIYADH: A newly launched digital platform is aiming to break stigmas surrounding mental health in the Arab world.

Presented in Arabic, Houna will provide information, resources, and support groups to help tackle taboos around the issue.

Sheikha Majda Al-Sabah, founder of Houna, told Arab News: “We have a lack of Arabic mental health resources. If you want to research anything in Arabic, you cannot find something accurate enough.

“Houna is a non-profit initiative that cares for mental health and acts like an aggregator and takes all the people that need help in terms of mental health and connects them to people that provide it.”

Al-Sabah, a philanthropist and advocate for mental health, launched Houna with the goal of helping individuals suffering depression, anxiety, abuse, eating disorders, addictions, or with suicidal thoughts.