Lebanon hospitals could soon close all Covid-19 wards as cases shrink, syndicate head says

The New Arab
Sep 22, 2022

Lebanon hospitals could soon close all Covid-19 wards as cases shrink, syndicate head says

The head of a medical syndicate in Lebanon expected all hospitals in the country to close their Covid-19 wards soon after a sharp decline in cases and hospital admissions.

Suleiman Haroun, who heads the Syndicate of Private Hospital Owners in Lebanon, said the percentage of coronavirus infections has decreased significantly, while most cases do not require hospital attention due to minor symptoms.

"Most hospitals have already closed their coronavirus wards, and those infected with the virus are isolating themselves at home, therefore the infection rate today is no longer dangerous as before," he said.

He added that the vaccination rollout has also contributed to the drop in numbers, even though less than half of the population has been fully vaccinated.