Lebanon: Cholera Response Interim Report (January 2023)

Apr 06, 2023

Lebanon: Cholera Response Interim Report (January 2023)

Situation Overview

Following the first reported cholera case in Lebanon, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) declared a cholera outbreak on 6 October 2022. As of 17 January 2023, 6,158 confirmed and suspected cholera cases have been reported in Lebanon. The overall response to the cholera outbreak is led by the MoPH on behalf of the Government of Lebanon. The MoPH has developed, in coordination with partners, a Lebanon Cholera Preparedness and Response Strategic Plan and Operational Plan. As part of the plan, WHO has the overall coordinating and advising role. UNHCR is supporting the national cholera response plan and working closely with the Government of Lebanon, UN agencies and NGOs. UNHCR is an active member of the National Cholera Taskforce, in addition to the membership of the Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) Committee along with the Hospitals and Primary Health Care Committees.