Iran ready to facilitate health diplomacy in region: min.

Mehr News Agency
Oct 25, 2022

Iran ready to facilitate health diplomacy in region: min.

Einollahi made the remarks in his meeting with the Minister of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Abdullozoda Jamoliddin Abdullo in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe on Tuesday and stated that the two countries enjoy the high potential to broaden bilateral cooperation more than before.

He expressed hope that cooperation between the two countries of Iran and Tajikistan would be further strengthened in all fields of the health sector.

Since the two countries of Iran and Tajikistan share the same language, it can be considered a common chapter in forming and strengthening health-based communications, Einollahi stressed.

Health tourism, exchange of professors and students, research, and trade cooperation in the field of medicine and medical equipment are among the topics that can help the two countries expand their relations.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Iran’s health minister pointed to the spread of coronavirus and emphasized that Tajikistan was one of the successful countries which managed to contain the disease in the country.

Despite tough and illegal sanctions imposed against the country, the Islamic Republic of Iran managed to shine excellently in containing COVID-19 in a way that not only these sanctions did not create any restrictions in the country, but also the country turned threats into opportunities in the relevant field.